Star's Portal
What is Star's Portal?

Star's Portal is a personal/public resource website and blog for Starcript (Stars.)

Personal Blog is mostly tech related but will be about general topics including Linux, Photography, Network Security, and a few personal interests (e.g. LSD Dream Emulator.)
Resource section will contain example configuration files for common Linux Applications as well as a large personal collections of Wallpapers, Movies (non-copyrighted), and probably some Music that I like. Although this section is functional and you can view and download files, I don't have anything on there other than a couple configs and dotfiles. Eventually I will get around to organizing all the data that I have.
Photography section contains interesting scenes and landscapes caught throughout daily life. Not sure where this will be going, but everything is a work in progress. Photography is something I don't do often, and is just a passtime, so none of my photos I would consider "professional" quality.

Please check back for updates to the site in the Recent Updates sections for a list of changes. I have been busy with other things lately, so I updates and changes will be sparse.
A feedback address will be posted for reccomendations and changes to the site.

Last Blog Post
Review of my Workstation
A rewritten blog post explaining the different components in my workstation and why I chose them.
A while ago when I was first starting development on this website, I finished the blog section on the site and wrote my first serious blog post following the building of my first workstation. However, I then had the problem with php-fpm which I posted about he... Read more
Newest Photos
IMG_1489.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1487.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1486.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1480.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1479.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1476.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1475.JPG 2020-10-12
IMG_1474.JPG 2020-10-12
Recent Updates

Almost two years later, still no javascript. Suck it programmers! Created By Stars On 2024-12-14

I honestly don't know what I can continue adding to this site, I should probably start taking more photo's but then again I have no idea. Oh well at least I made a post this year! Created By Stars On 2022-12-21

Well it has now almost been over a year since I have posted or updated anything on this website, but I would like to say that I am still alive! I pretty much have lost all interest in computers as of lately as I cannot stand sitting in front of a monitor anymore. I'm sure I will post new photo's or maybe make a blog post again, but for now i'm focusing on my own life off the internet. I would still like to keep my computer skills in check as I don't want to get left behind in the electronic dust...

Till then! o/ Created By Stars On 2021-10-10

Stars has been gone for a while. Created By Stars On 2020-12-08

Finally a big content update! I have (mostly) finished the photo's page of my website, as well as started working on the resources page.
The photo's page is comprised of a dashboard, which is meant to present the latest photo's uploaded as well as the featured photo, and gallery of my liking. Other functionality includes viewing all photo's or galleries, as well as viewing them individually. I may make a search bar to look up a specific image although currently there is nowhere near enough photo's for that to be needed. So maybe in the future!
The resources page is ready to view all the files that I choose to upload to the website. Although, I still need to start uploading files considering the only files on the server right now are the photo's that I have uploaded.

That is all for now, check back soon for new features added to the site!
Created By Stars On 2020-07-18

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